※ How to charismatically stream ※
All right, I am not the biggest expert on streaming or such technology. This is just my personal streaming method which I managed to setup thanks to TSO. Anybody can stream if you have a
decent PC and at least a
1mbit upload connection for low quality streaming. You can check your upload at sites like
http://www.speedtest.net. For streaming HD you obviously need a better/high-end PC and at least 3mbit upload to be on the safe side.
The reason I am using this method is the friendly usage and light weight software. Procaster plain sucks because it abuses CPU for no reason. Not to mention you cannot stream high quality unless you pay $$$.
[ Step 1 - Installation and stuff ]Requirements (I myself am using livestream, but the setup for Xsplit and SCFH is the same):
- Install Xsplit
- Unzip SCFHDSF zip file in a desired folder/location. You need it in the future.
- Register an account at Xsplit. You need one to login into Xsplit client.
- Register an account on one of the livestream providers so you got an account.
[ Step 2 - Configuring Xsplit ]Run Xsplit and go to "Tools > General settings". You can fill out profile if you wish but not necessary. General tab is our concern. Make sure all boxes are ticket out.
Audio --> Your microphone (if you have one)
My recording --> Location to store the recordings (local)
[ Step 3 - Configuring channel + bitrate/quality in Xsplit ] Go to next tab 'Channels' and press the 'Add' button. Select the livestream you have an account. Fill out the required fields. Xsplit automatically detects the channel name once you typed in your username/password.
Here comes the quality settings.
Upload vs bitrateIf you got 1mbit -> 512 bitrate (low quality)
If you got 1~2mbit -> 1024~1536 (good quality)
If you got 3+ -> 2048 bitrate (probably HDish(?))
Make sure the rest is the same. You can set bitrate/quality lower for Audio if you don't care. But this is pretty much enough to transmit your voice normally. (Unless you intend to sing).
[ Step 4 - Add SCFH DSF as source ]Easy step. Press 'Add' -> 'Add Camera' --> select 'SCFH DSF'
[ Step 5 - Configuring SCFH DSF ]Go to the folder you extracted the files.
First select install.bat (32bit) or install64.bat (64bit) depending on your OS. It should say 'successful' or something once done. Run the program (SCFH.exe).
- Xsplit should show up in the list.
If not, reboot your PC. Launch the programs- Select core.xsplit.exe, press ok.
- Your screen will blink for a moment and hopefully in Xsplit you will now see the corner of your screen being recorded.
Now you can select the area of recording (manually or with the coordinates). Keep in mind that you would size to set to stream in 4:3 (regular) or 16:10 dimensions for widescreen games. i.e:
- 640x480 / 1024x768 (4:3)
- 1280x720 (16:10)
Higher than 1280x720 isn't really necessary as it is waste of bandwith tbh.
[ Step 6 - Launch stream and check ]If done correctly, you should see your region in Xsplit as well. If all is set, go to 'Broadcast' -> and select your livestream. A tick should appear before it and the top should report framerate/bitrate.
Check manually your own stream by simply browsing your channel.
If all is well, minimize Xsplit / SCFH and game on. You can adjust the volume of your voice in Xsplit with the microphone settings.
[ FAQ ]Q: Cannot see core.xsplit.exe in the SCFH list, even after rebooting.
A: This is a common problem which cannot be explained. Try to restart the programs or launch Xsplit first. Make sure you also added SCFH as source beforehand.
Q: I see multiple core.xsplit.exe in the list.
A: Happens often when you close down xsplit and restart it. Somehow the list doesn't clear. Not an issue, press the 'refresh' button and select the newest one appearing. (Or reboot PC to clear)
Q: Stream is freezing or stuttering.
A: Stream at lower quality / resolution. Remember that you need decent upload speed to stream even low quality.
Q: Do I have to stream in windowed mode for my games?
A: Not necessary. If you desire full screen make sure the resolution is set correctly in SCFH. Double check the streaming result on a 2nd pc / laptop or show it to someone.
Q: Can I stream other sources such as PS3/Xbox etc?
A: Unfortunately, this guide only shows how to stream your desktop / PC games.