Voting for the 7th Touhou popularity poll is now open! Here's a guide explaining how to vote:
CAUTION - Voting is open from 0:00 7th February to 23:59 13th February (Japan time - GMT+9). Only one vote is permitted per person.---
Step 1: Go to 2: Enter your email address into the circled text box and click the button to the right of it.
Step 3: You'll be taken to a confirmation screen. Click the button on the left (circled in the image).
Step 4: This will send an email to your email account with a unique ID code. Log in to your account now and get that code. The email should arrive almost immediately.
Step 5: With this code, you're now able to vote. These are the available polls:
1) - Character poll.
2) - Music poll.
3) - Voter survey.
Explanations regarding the options in each poll are given in the next post down.
Character/Music PollStep 1: Your page will look something like the below image. Enter the ID code that was emailed to you into the circled box:
The box below the circled one is for entering your name (entirely optional).
Step 2: Click each of the drop-down arrows and select the option you want to vote for. In the character poll, your #1 choice is worth 2 points. Otherwise, every choice is worth 1 point. You get 5 choices in the character poll and 7 in the music poll.
The larger boxes below each drop-down box are for entering comments (entirely optional).
Step 3: When you've made your choices, click the submit button at the bottom of the page. You'll be taken to a confirmation screen. Click the button on the left (circled in the image).
Congratulations, you've now voted!
Voter Survey Step 1: Your page will look something like the below image. Enter the ID code that was emailed to you into the circled box:
Step 2: You know what to do by now. Answer all the questions, click the button at the bottom, and then click the left button on the confirmation screen.
FAQFull credit to Nameless Fairy of pooshlmer for these.Q. Can I vote from my cell phone?
A. Voting from your phone is not recommended, as the voting screen may cause a low memory error or other errors to occur on your phone.
Please vote from a different location, such as a net cafe or a friend's PC, instead.
Q. Do I need to fill out the comment field?
A. Filling out the comment field isn't necessary.
Q. I don't have 5 characters (or 7 songs) that I want to vote for.
A. Vote for as many characters (or songs) as you would like, then leave the others unselected.
Q. Can I vote for Lily Black?
A. She is included in the "Lily White" option.
Q. Can I vote for the sunflower fairy?
A. It is included in the "Fairy" option.
Q. Can I vote for Seihou characters/Uwabami Breakers characters/ZUN?
A. As they are not Touhou characters, they will not be included.
Q. What about yin-yang orbs, point items, power items, or the ice on stage 2?
A. Inanimate objects which gained popularity through secondary works will not be included, with the exception of Alice's dolls.
Q. Can't I vote for yukkuris?
A. Get out.
Q. How will votes for arrangements of original songs appearing on the music CDs be handled?
A. Arrangements will be displayed as separate items on the voting screen, but votes for the arrangements and their original songs will be counted together during vote totaling. Please vote for the arrangement you like the most.
(You cannot vote for both the original song and the arrangement.)
Q. How will "Love-Colored Magic" and "Love-Colored Master Spark" be handled?
A. Please refer to the table of arrangements with different names which will be counted together with their original songs.
Q. Can I use pictures I've drawn on Pixiv, etc. as publicity images as well?
A. Yes.
Q. Can people outside Japan vote?
A. Yes.
Q. Regarding the voter survey questions on game clear status, aren't frame drop rates going to be included?
A. There are no plans to gather data that strictly.
Q. Will it be okay if I vote from the same computer as my siblings, etc.?
A. While it's impossible to say with 100% certainty that your votes won't be mistakenly judged to be duplicate votes, if you include the voting reason in the comment, it should be fine.
Q. What is the maximum number of characters allowed for comments at voting time?
A. 200 full-width characters.
Q. Will Rin Satsuki be included in the list of votable characters?
A. As a character which does not officially exist, she will not be included.
Q. Aren't "Bloom Nobly, Ink-Black Cherry Blossoms ~ Border of Life" and "Border of Life" different arrangements of the same song?
A. In this poll, they are treated as different songs.
Q. I have no choice but to vote using a free e-mail address; will it be all right if I fill out the comment field properly?
A. As long as it's not a duplicate vote, there won't be any problem.
Q. Even if he is a male character, Unzan appears in the actual games, so shouldn't he be in the UFO category?
A. This has been corrected. (Based on his appearances, he will be treated as a primary character.)
Q. Will it be possible to vote for "Init" (the ZunSoft logo song) from Lotus Land Story and Mystic Square?
A. This will not be included.
Q. Will "A Huge Shadow and a Tiny Conclusion" from the CD release of the Hisoutensoku OST be added as a voting option?
A. This has been updated.
Q. Are there any plans to include the spell card poll? (Added Jan. 17)
A. It will not be implemented this time.
Q. Will the "highly favored vote" mechanism be introduced in the music section? (Added Jan. 17)
A. It will not be introduced this time.
Q. "Illusionary Sputnik Night" was left off of the list of arrangements which will be counted together. (Added Jan. 25)
Q. Will votes for the Mountain of Faith "Faith is for the Transient People" and its Hisoutensoku arrangement be counted together?
A. All songs with the same name will be counted together during vote totaling. The table below is only for arrangements with a different name from the original song.
Q. The Story of Eastern Wonderland Stage 1 and 3 midbosses are inanimate objects, so I can understand why they're not included,
but can't I vote for other PC-98 midbosses?
A. Considering that they have no proper names and are very poorly known, we have decided not to include them this time.
Explanation of the options in the next post.