Author Topic: *under construction* [東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu] ~ Information Thread  (Read 44913 times)

Nine West

  • Shrine maidens? Evil spirits? Magicians?
  • *
  • How wonderful!
Currently under construction. Please wait warmly.

NOTICE: The OP will be updated in accordance to what's happening in the Ijiyatsu project threads. A lot of important things have been going on behind the scenes, just not much 'update-worthy', or presenting to the public, at least. Nevertheless, the fact is the game is being worked on, regardless of what people think.

Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron is a fan-made Danmaku shooter involving the very members of MotK. Its design is based on the main Touhou shooter games, particularly Perfect Cherry Blossom, with 6 main stages and 2 bonus stages. It all started as a silly discussion in CPMC (as per usual) until some of us decided to actually do something, and... here we are.


IRC Channel ->

Special: Programming thread and Embodiment Discussion thread.

Thread v5.

Thread v4, v3, and v2 there.

Since the original thread for this has been much too unorganized, thus making it incredibly difficult for someone not familiar to the topic to navigate in there, I was compelled to make an informative thread for this project so that  it'll be easier for people to comprehend what is going on.

Please, only post in this thread for serious discussion, or if you want to point out mistakes that I might have overlook. The main purpose of this thread is to create a reference in which people can easily look for information. Aside from that, any suggestion as to how this should be organized better is welcome.

For discussions and requests, go to the original thread instead.

Currently working on project: Roukanken, Drake, Slaves, Suikama, Helepolis, Skye, Onthenet, Naut, Nobu, and huh what.

DISCLAIMER: Every material in this project belongs to their respective owners/creators.


I. Initial Plot and Story Elements

*Note: Outdated, see the following quote*
It was a strange day when the Idiocy began to spread.
Most passed by unharmed, witnesses to the catastrophe. Some were affected mildly, becoming Idiot Princesses; some were sensitive to it, becoming Idiot Maidens and gaining considerable power at the cost of most of their intelligence.
Then there are those who are more sensitive still. These three chosen ones are collectively known as the Idiot Deities, the most powerful of all affected by the Idiocy. Unfortunately, as a result, they all have one-track minds and are somewhat lacking in brainpower.
So begins the tale of possibly heroes and possibly villains...

The intention of this is to sketch out a framework for Ijiyatsu that'd be receptive to sequels and spinoffs, by being open-ended and only as specific as necessary about universe mechanics (to give spin-off works a lot of options), and having the ability for outsiders to enjoy Ijiyatsu as well while still being able to include our personality and humor into the plot, story and game.

Idiot energy

-It has always been around, just lately it's been acting funny.

-Everyone has some amounts of idiot energy in them (think of it like spiritual energy or ki that's specific to Ijiyatsu, but exists alongside normal spiritual energy).

-Having a lot of Idiot energy or being of high rank in the Pantheon isn't associated with actual stupidity, nor directly related to power level (However, the connection of 'Idiot' energy to stupidity can still be poked fun of in dialog, esp. when someone is making fun of another person. I.E. "This person has a lot of idiot energy! Oh wait, I guess they were just stupid.")

The Pantheon and world

-Our Ijiyatsu selves are based on us but still exist in their own world (I.E. there is a fuzzy fourth wall). I say fuzzy, because even in Touhou they break the 4th wall for comedic effect at times, which I think we should still have the option to do in the dialog as long as we don't overdo it.

-ID/IM/IP are those with varying levels of control over Idiot energy, and have status in the Ijiyatsu society. It is not inherent but achieved as positions can be challenged for by those directly below them.

- The ultimate governing authority on these positions (and who hold real power in Ijiyatsu) are the Moderators and TSO. They have ultimate authority and power in Ijiyatsu, but tend to let the Idiots run around and amuse them.

- Things purposely left ambiguous or not fully explained, at least for now: Exactly what kind of powers the Idiot Pantheon has over normal denizens, exactly how idiot energy works metaphysically, and the exact rules of the challenge system.

The current Incident(I.E.: "TSO is fooling around again..")

- The PCs have a nagging feeling that something is up with the IE, and feel a subconscious pull urging them to the mountains (Or wherever else Theo-nee's location ends up being)

- A lot of the denizens of Ijiyatsu have disappeared (i.e. all of the embodiments).

- When free idiot energy gathers, it forms into an embodiment that attacks mindlessly.

- The earlier bosses are mostly clueless and don't know what's going on, or in the case of later bosses, know what's going on but could not overcome the mental influence from the one controlling the IE.

- My idea is that all the PCs maybe have a random gimmick as to why they aren't affected by the mental influence of Theo-nee. I.E: Pesco's mindhax, Ruro's Shrine Janitor immunity, Gpop's control on the subconscious, etc etc.

Story behind the Incident:

- TSO was bored and gave Theorin the power to control Idiot Energy so she could set about reviving Rin Satsuki, because it'd be amusing to watch.

- The Slaves Squad (being Special Members/Resident Artist++) was unaffected and watched the proceedings out of amusement. (Nwbi, being Slaves' art student may have also been unaffected, but no one noticed because she's a Stage 1 boss.)

- Theorin has been calling all the Idiot Energy in Ijiyatsu to her in order to get enough to revive Rin, which has resulted in the Idiot energy acting funny, the mental influence, and why most people were turned into Embodiments.   

- The players, in the fashion of PCB's spring energy and UFO's vault fragments, have the last idiot energy required before Theorin has enough to complete the summoning, which is why they end up fighting in the end.

- The players, searching for an answer as to why Theorin had ultimate control of the IE, search out Slaves(who was unaffected), which ends up pointing them towards TSO and the moderators.

Credit goes to Roukanken and Nobu.

*Temporarily complete*

II. Playable Cast

Zengar A: Deity Double Team
(Zengar + Sakura Rurouni: High Power, High Spread Type)

"Flower motifs! That shoot lasers! I'll show you what it's like to be a true deity! Now, Namusan--!"
A storm of romance amongst the Meiji Era cherry blossoms! Keep your swords sharp!

Standard Shot: White Rose of the Wild West
Spellcard: Red Rose of the Night Sky - Samurai Soul
Deathbomb: Absolute Territory - Flowering Knight

Last Word: FLOWER POWER (?)

ZengarB: Danmaku Dodger Lunacy
(Zengar + Nintendonut888: Concentrated Attack Type)

"New, complex strategies? Hah! My only strategy: Dodge everything that comes at me!"
Refined technique combined with pure power! A battle against all Gensokyo is one we can fight-- and win!

Shot: Fortuna Star
Spellcard: Mercy Killing - Phantasmic Spark
Deathbomb: Last Moment - No Border Between Us

Last Word: ?


Gpop A: 'Just do whatever Koishi-chan would do~'
(Gpop + Kanako Yasaka) ?
Standard Shot: [Thoughtless Flurry]
Spellcard: [Subterranean Rose]

Gpop B: 'Man, way to interrupt my fapping...'
(Gpop + TranceHime) ?
Standard Shot: [Embers of Love]
Spellcard: [Freud Was Right]


Rou A: ?
(Roukanken + Serpentarius)
Standard Shot: ?
Spellcard: ?

Rou B: 'Huh? Pesco has to come along?'
(Roukanken + Pesco) ?
Standard Shot: [Inaba Amulets]
Spellcard: [Concentrated Mindhax]

*In progress*

III. Storyline and Bosses

Stage 1
BGM [When Idiots First Take Flight]
Mid-boss: Jan-san
Power: Manipulation of Guitar Strings

Boss: Nwbi
Power: Manipulation of Chance
BGM [An Enemy For Some Reason]

Thinking that they're in a Touhou game, the first thing each of the Deities does is immediately attack anyone close by. The first victim of this is Nwbi, who swears that the other maidens will avenge him.

Stage 2
BGM [Rising To Heaven]

Boss: Tenko
Power: Manipulation of Pain
BGM [A Pleasing Agony ~ Wonderful Torture]

Upon hearing of Nwbi's defeat, Tenko (the resident masochist) proceeds to seek out the deity and challenge them to a fight. He loses, but he enjoys it.

Stage 3
BGM [Entering the Foolish Grounds]

Boss: BaitySM
Power: Manipulation of Grazing
BGM [Barely Out Of Reach - Cutting Close]

The deity stumbles upon a strange temple built into a nearby mountain, which Tenko crashed into. There Baity appears, and warns them that they aren't welcome after taking down two of the maidens. The protagonist, naturally, doesn't care and proceeds to beat Baity up. His last quote before the end of the stage is 'Just don't interrupt him...he's been waiting years for this.'

Stage 4
BGM [High-Speed Throttle Ride]
Mid-boss: Arashi, with the power of SCIENCE!

Boss: Vic Viper
Power: Manipulation of Machinery
BGM [Battle with the Legendary Ship ~ Shoot The Core!]

Entering the temple, the deity comes across Tenko, who promptly rises up and challenges them to one last fight. Continuing on, they come across Vic Viper, who insists that they are interfering on the Maidens' affairs and need to leave. The Deity senses that this is where the Idiocy started, and challenges Vic for an explanation. A fight ensues, and as Vic is defeated he states that the Idiocy literally drains the intelligence from its victims. He refuses to explain why.

Stage 5
BGM [A Dark, Forgotten Corner]
Mid-Boss: UncertainKitten
Power: Manipulation of arousal

Boss: Anonymous-Fairy
Power: Manipulation of fetishes
BGM [What I'm Into ~ Secret Desire]

Entering further, the deities come across the right-hand man, AF, and his assistant UK. After another hard-fought batte, AF admits that the Idiocy is designed to collect intelligence for the sake of reviving a forgotten soul by granting her a personality. The only clue as to the target's identity is 'someone who should have made it but didn't'.

Final Stage
BGM [Faded Dreams]
Mid-Bosses: Mode and Nobu
Powers: ?? and ?? respectively

Final Boss: Moerin
Power: Manipulation of the forgotten
BGM [Collapsing Memory ~ Disregarded Grudge]
Last Attack BGM [Collapsing Mind ~ Overwhelming Vengeance]

The mastermind behind the entire incident turns out to be Theorist, collecting intelligence to revive the forgotten Rin Satsuki. Assisted by his Imouto-chans, Theorist managed to enter the last phase of his plans before meeting the deities. This would normally be where a debate takes place as to whether Theorist's choice was right, but the deities aren't very clever and just beat him up anyway.

Ending Theme: [Might Makes Right]
Credits: [Foolishly Discarded Memories]


BGM [Last Remnants of Moronity]
Mid-boss: Purvis
Power: Manipulation of manipulation

Boss: Slaves
Power: Manipulation of humour
BGM [The Idiot's Art Form]

The Idiocy takes some time to wear off after Theorist's defeat, much to the dismay of Purvis, and in that time the deities receive one last challenge in the form of Slaves. A young boy who may have been affected by the Idiocy even more than the deities themselves, his hilarious art proves to be a nightmarish challenge to the player.

Phantasm Stage (Unlock Requirements: Clear Extra, Capture 50 Spellcards including Tilde Moe~)

BGM [Last Remnants of Sanity]
Death Fairy: Dustyjo
Power: ??
Mid-Boss 1: Kilgamayan
Power: Manipulation of Numbers

Death Fairy: Slowpoke
Power: ??

Mid-Boss 2: Mint (Letty Whiterock)
Power: Manipulation of Emotion (or lack thereof)

Death Fairy: Erebus
Power: Manipulation of Nightmare Fuel

Boss: Fate (TheStupidOne)
Power: Manipulation of Idiocy
BGM [Idiot's True Form]

Just when the disaster appears to be dying down, the Idiocy reappears with a mind of its own, intent on completing the ritual. The deities realise that Theorist didn't create the Idiocy himself, he simply awakened it, and thus it intends to restore Rin itself. After defeating the Moderators it created for self defense, the deities fight against the Idiocy in its human form, by far the most powerful foe they've faced yet.

Credit goes to Roukanken, yet again.

*Temporarily complete*

IV. Game Dialogue (Script)

Note that dialogues are made by the members who participated in them

>>Stage 1 V1 Dialogue Compilation Download
Zengar A Stage 1.
Zengar B Stage 1.
Gpop A Stage 1.
Gpop B Stage 1.
Roukanken A Stage 1.
Roukanken B Stage 1.

Zengar B Stage 2.
Gpop B Stage 2.

*In progress*

V. Game Mechanics

  • The player defaults with 3 lives and 2 bombs, a base point value of 20000 and graze multiplier of x1.00.

Max Point Value Multiplier (Graze):
  • When you graze, a bar goes up. At max, you autocollect Power and Points at max value.
  • 100 graze adds 0.01 to the max point value multiplier.

Point of Collection:
  • Above the POC, you autocollect all items at max value.
  • Below it, Points slowly devalue at obtainable ranges from 50%->10%.

Idiot Energy:
  • When an enemy is destroyed it releases IE.
  • Idiot energy does not fall like other items do.
  • Collecting IE increases the base point value by 10. (In Extra and Phantasm, it increases by 100.)
  • Dying and bombing decrease IE and thus base point value, but bombing collects all IE on screen.
  • If 100 IE is gathered on the screen, it will gather in the center and turn into an Idiot Embodiment.
  • All leftover IE on screen is collected when the stage boss fight initiates.
  • When you reach periodic amounts of IE, your character will show symptoms of absorbing too much Idiot Energy and begin to increase the base point value by grazing, for a certain amount of time before coming back to their senses. Although, if your IE drops below the same point again the effects will not activate.

Idiot Embodiments:
  • Idiot Embodiments are enemies randomly chosen from a group determined by stage.
  • They will fire a different pattern associated with each Embodiment.
  • If you kill an Embodiment, you will receive a bomb piece (? bomb) and the lost IE.
  • An Embodiment will disappear after a set time. If it is not killed, you will receive a life piece (? life) and the lost IE.
  • If you die when an Embodiment is on-screen, you lose 50 of the 100 stored IE. If you bomb, you lose 25. These will not stack, so you will always receive at least 50.

Idiot Embodiment Table:

      Different IE ()   Possible IE   Possible Lives (total)   Possible Bombs (total)
Stage 1   3   4   1 (1)   2 (2)      
Stage 2   2 (+1)   4   1 (2)   2 (4)      
Stage 3   2 (+1)   5   1? (3?)   2? (6?)      
Stage 4   4   5   1? (4?)   2? (9)      
Stage 5   2 (+2)   6   1? (6)   3 (12)      
Stage 6   2 (+2)   4   1 (7)   2 (14)      
Stage EX   3   10   2   5      
Stage PH   3   6 (+2/+2)   1? (+?)   3 (+1)      

  • In the main game, it is theoretically possible to encounter 28 Embodiments, counting a probable 28*100+99=2899 obtainable IE (just because), resulting in a 28990 possible gain and a net 48990 point value. 7 extra lives can be obtained, equaling a net 10 lives. Conversely, 14 extra bombs can be obtained, equaling a net 16 bombs.
  • In the Extra stage, out of 10 possible Embodiments, 8 life fragments can be given for 2 lives, in addition to 1 possible bomb. (4+4+2)
  • In the Phantasm stage, out of 6 possible Embodiments, 4 life fragments can be given for 1 life, in addition to 1 possible bomb. (4+2) Each midboss also drops a bomb and life fragment, resulting in a possible extra life if two life fragments are already collected. Conversely, an extra bomb is obtainable.

The Idiot Energy -

Placeholder Screenshots of IEnergy:
Scene 1
Scene 2
Scene 3

Idea developed by Drake and SSkye.

*Temporarily complete*

VI. Concept Arts and Character Portraits


S. Ruro
Nako (Kanako Yasaka)

Tenko (Tenshi)
Arashi Kurobara
Vic Viper




Mint (Letty Whiterock)
Mint (Letty Whiterock revised version)
Fate (TheStupidOne)


Formless God

Cut-in Portraits



Credit goes to our Resident Artist, Slaves.


Zengar, Gpop, Roukanken, and fairies by huh what.

*In progress*

VII. Soundtrack

Title Theme - Chronicles of the Chronically Stupid

Stage 1 Theme - When Idiots First Take Flight

Nwbi's Theme - An Enemy For Some Reason

Stage 2 Theme - Ascending to Heaven

Download the WIP version of the Stage 2 Boss Theme here.

UPDATED WIP version of the Stage 3 Theme here.

WIP version of the Stage 6 Theme here.

Credit goes to Roukanken and Drake for these wonderful tracks.

*In progress*

VIII. Spell Cards

Slaves' Hysterical [Party Train] by Suikama.

Teaser Pics of Jan-san's Spell Card by Suikama. Updated pic with what would potentially be Zengar's main shot.

Also, I want a taco Mode.

*In progress*

IX. Fiction

Fictions by Roukanken:
The One Named Theorist
Team Zengar at the Beach
Queen of Morons '09 (KoF parody)

Touhou Ijiyatsu, the light novel by Sakura Rurouni:


Ijiyatsu Bios

Even though the game itself is nowhere near it's completion stage, Slaves' concept arts have picked up the interest of a few artists here. As such, this section displays art made by fellow members of MotK.

By Slaves*:
Hysterical [Party Train]
Slaves Squad
Colored Donut
Colored Nwbi
Colored A-F

By myself:
Donut Moe~
Swimsuit!Slaves & Drake

By Erebus:

By A-F*:
Vic Viper
Ruro and a Strawberry
UncertainKitten (NSFW)
Swimsuit!Fate and Mint
Swimsuit!Nobu, v2
NotSlaves (NSFW)

By Drake:
Hooray I am Phantasm Boss

Apparently, KimikoMuffin drew him/herself before getting a Slaves art.

By Nobu:

By Mode:
We r professianl dancers

By SSkye:
Absolutely Everyone

By Tenshi:

By Cadmas:


By Ruro:
Swimsuit!Ruro and Donut

By Slowpoke:

By TranceHime:

By poringleaf:
Ijiyatsu Full Cast

*These artists have their own art threads, and such some of their work that aren't included here may be found in their respective threads

For more, please visit the Ijiyatsu Official Art Thread~

* Still organizing

Also, do point out things that I should include in this post. There are a lot to sort through, so the possibility that I missed some things is high. :P
« Last Edit: May 04, 2010, 11:51:46 PM by Nobu~♪ »

Hououin Kyouma

    • When Posters Cry
Re: Touhou Ijiatsu ~ Information Thread
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2009, 10:27:29 PM »
*post annexed for To Be Drawn List*

Quote from: Rikter

Also TBD List updated. Tell me if I messed anything up and i'll fix it. (So I can feel happy and learn from my mistakes)

« Last Edit: December 08, 2009, 02:18:09 AM by Nobu~ »
"DUMBASS!" "I'd hit it" "Bear-sona~!" "Critical hits to the nads!" "What you're really asking is... "Will you please beat the **** out of me, Kanji?" "...I Gotta pee." ''Everydays great at your Junes~'' "You calling me a loser?"

Re: Touhou Ijiyatsu ~ Information Thread
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2009, 01:15:59 AM »
Character List

Playable Characters: 3

Partners: 6

Death Fairies: 3

Midbosses: 8
Letty - Hell Scaper and Hell Scaper -Last Escape Remix-

Bosses: 8
Tenshi/Angel Milk
Vic Viper

Embodiments: 20

Epic sword loli

Stage 1 enemy




Total number of characters in this game: 52
« Last Edit: December 18, 2009, 01:47:57 AM by Ruukoto »


  • Charismatic grizzly bear
  • 熊 熊 熊
Re: Touhou Ijiyatsu ~ Information Thread
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2009, 01:21:30 AM »
hey, if Ijiyatsu is our Windows series, does that make ICS our PC-98?
Wotters gonna' wot

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Touhou Ijiyatsu ~ Information Thread
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2009, 01:22:36 AM »


That spot is reserved for the Maidens of the Kaleidoscope game.

Nine West

  • Shrine maidens? Evil spirits? Magicians?
  • *
  • How wonderful!
Re: Touhou Ijiyatsu ~ Information Thread
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2009, 01:24:33 AM »
It might be a good idea to list the people who are actually working on the game itself :V

That would be hard, considering nobody's actually programming the game itself right now, but added Rou and Drake anyways. :P


  • uHHH,
  • *
Re: Touhou Ijiyatsu ~ Information Thread
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2009, 01:26:11 AM »
It might be a good idea to list the people who are actually working on the game itself :V

That would be hard, considering nobody's actually programming the game itself right now, but added Rou and Drake anyways. :P

i'm drawing things(and planning on doing the cutins, i guess), doesn't that count? :(

Mounting Jaggis

  • It's a dinosaur rodeo!
  • Yeee haww!
Re: Touhou Ijiyatsu ~ Information Thread
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2009, 01:27:17 AM »
It might be a good idea to list the people who are actually working on the game itself :V

That would be hard, considering nobody's actually programming the game itself right now, but added Rou and Drake anyways. :P

God, I have 2 years left to finish my Game Development degree. Currently I can only make games with text characters.

Nine West

  • Shrine maidens? Evil spirits? Magicians?
  • *
  • How wonderful!
Re: Touhou Ijiyatsu ~ Information Thread
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2009, 01:30:14 AM »
It might be a good idea to list the people who are actually working on the game itself :V

That would be hard, considering nobody's actually programming the game itself right now, but added Rou and Drake anyways. :P

i'm drawing things(and planning on doing the cutins, i guess), doesn't that count? :(

Well, I guess.

* Add Slaves

EDIT: Updated with Japanese kanji. Thank you, N-Forza.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2009, 03:54:29 AM by Nwbi »


  • Charisma!
  • *
  • O-ojousama!?
Re: Touhou Ijiyatsu ~ Information Thread
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2009, 07:56:33 AM »
It might be a good idea to list the people who are actually working on the game itself :V

That would be hard, considering nobody's actually programming the game itself right now, but added Rou and Drake anyways. :P

That is because nothing is available for programming yet :V like useful sprites, portraits, images, background.

Re: Touhou Ijiyatsu ~ Information Thread
« Reply #10 on: September 25, 2009, 04:39:14 PM »
It might be a good idea to list the people who are actually working on the game itself :V

That would be hard, considering nobody's actually programming the game itself right now, but added Rou and Drake anyways. :P

That is because nothing is available for programming yet :V like useful sprites, portraits, images, background.
We could use the current art as placeholders and start working on the framework.


  • Charisma!
  • *
  • O-ojousama!?
Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu [Information Thread]
« Reply #11 on: September 25, 2009, 06:19:54 PM »
We could but I think we should seriously tackle the artwork first. Artist can work faster ahead than scripters. And scripting with ready sprites is much easier than with current stuff.

Sounds a bitch harsh but it would be great if the artists would stop Touhoufying people and perhaps start really touhoufying them into usable images. 

♛ Apher-Forte

  • Am I to go home...or shall I stay alone?
  • *
  • Forever lost at sea, a distant bell rings for me
    • Himitsu's NSFW Blog ~ contains NSFW material
Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu [Information Thread]
« Reply #12 on: September 25, 2009, 07:26:57 PM »
It is not my specialty, I am just good with pencil sketches ;________;
I could think up something for the background... provided you guys don't mind something flashy... like I dunno, temples?
  <-- my artwork thread, click me!
[ Find my cosplay photos here. ] OMG I HAVE TUMBLR FOLLOW PLZX Will You Remember Me... ?

Nine West

  • Shrine maidens? Evil spirits? Magicians?
  • *
  • How wonderful!
Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu [Information Thread]
« Reply #13 on: September 25, 2009, 11:10:28 PM »
Added Suikama's video. That was grand.

More Slaves concept art.

Sounds a bitch harsh but it would be great if the artists would stop Touhoufying people and perhaps start really touhoufying them into usable images.

I'm not speaking for everybody, but I would love to if I have the equipment to do it. So, in the meantime, these kinds of drawings are what I'm capable of. >_<
« Last Edit: September 26, 2009, 02:40:54 AM by Nwbi »


  • uHHH,
  • *
Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu [Information Thread]
« Reply #14 on: September 26, 2009, 02:42:41 AM »
i could probably whip myself into doing some sprites, if need be.

and seeing as Mode doesn't have internet right now, that seems to be the case.

Nine West

  • Shrine maidens? Evil spirits? Magicians?
  • *
  • How wonderful!
Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu [Information Thread]
« Reply #15 on: September 26, 2009, 02:48:25 AM »
i could probably whip myself into doing some sprites, if need be.

and seeing as Mode doesn't have internet right now, that seems to be the case.

Hmmm, some sprites would be nice.

My art will only go as far as character portraits.

Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu [Information Thread]
« Reply #16 on: September 26, 2009, 06:22:40 PM »
You should make some lists like a To Do list, In progress, Complete, etc.

Easy Mode

Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu [Information Thread]
« Reply #17 on: September 26, 2009, 06:23:39 PM »
My sprites suck. Slaves can do them.


  • Some sort of lurking trainwreck
  • May or may not exist. Possibly. Maybe.
Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu [Information Thread]
« Reply #18 on: September 26, 2009, 06:25:00 PM »
My sprites suck. Slaves can do them.

No they don't! I thought they were quite good, to be honest.
All shall be well and all shall be well and all manner of things shall be well.


  • uHHH,
  • *
Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu [Information Thread]
« Reply #19 on: September 26, 2009, 06:27:58 PM »
so, uh

would it work if i were to make a big picture and resize it to be about the size of ZUN's sprites? because his look really smooth and when i try to do them it looks like shit :|

Easy Mode

Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu [Information Thread]
« Reply #20 on: September 26, 2009, 06:30:56 PM »
so, uh

would it work if i were to make a big picture and resize it to be about the size of ZUN's sprites? because his look really smooth and when i try to do them it looks like shit :|
I'm thinking that's what he did for UFO.

Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu [Information Thread]
« Reply #21 on: September 26, 2009, 06:32:26 PM »
so, uh

would it work if i were to make a big picture and resize it to be about the size of ZUN's sprites? because his look really smooth and when i try to do them it looks like shit :|
FYI that's what I did for the Trainmaku. I took Nwbi's pic of you, resized to a little bigger than the size of Nue and it looked fine.

In fact I bet this is what ZUN does, with the exception of PoFV and StB where the sprites look legit (Although I have the feeling he had someone else help him with those).

Easy Mode

Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu [Information Thread]
« Reply #22 on: September 26, 2009, 06:36:54 PM »
The PC-98 ones are definitely handmade. They're all blocky and cute!


  • uHHH,
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Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu [Information Thread]
« Reply #23 on: September 26, 2009, 06:39:43 PM »
ahh, ok. that will cause much less headaches.

although i'll have to have someone resize them for me.

teaching me how to make them into gifs would also be helpful, because i want them to move too :I

Zengar Zombolt

  • Space-Time Tuning Circle - Wd/Fr
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Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu [Information Thread]
« Reply #24 on: September 26, 2009, 06:48:28 PM »
There's no need for GIFs, Danmakufu deals with moving sprites just having all the states of the character in a sheet.

Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu [Information Thread]
« Reply #25 on: September 26, 2009, 06:49:14 PM »
ahh, ok. that will cause much less headaches.

although i'll have to have someone resize them for me.

teaching me how to make them into gifs would also be helpful, because i want them to move too :I
If you want them to move, DON'T make them into gifs. Danmakufu can't use gifs, you have to animate them manually in Danmakufu itself.

If you want to be animated, then you'll just need to draw every frame of animation and leave it at that.

Edit: Ah yah beat meh


  • uHHH,
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Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu [Information Thread]
« Reply #26 on: September 26, 2009, 06:50:34 PM »
There's no need for GIFs, Danmakufu deals with moving sprites just having all the states of the character in a sheet.

i know that, i want to do that so i can see if it actually looks good while moving.

Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu [Information Thread]
« Reply #27 on: September 26, 2009, 06:52:21 PM »
Then all you have to do is print them out and make a flipbook. :V

Nine West

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Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu [Information Thread]
« Reply #28 on: September 26, 2009, 08:07:45 PM »
You should make some lists like a To Do list, In progress, Complete, etc.

Well, added more detail to the progress of each section. No To Do list since we pretty much do whatever we please first.

And I guess I'll add you to the 'currently working people' for Spell Card.

EDIT: Also, added Muffin to miscellaneous.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2009, 09:14:32 PM by Nwbi »

Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu [Information Thread]
« Reply #29 on: September 27, 2009, 01:21:21 AM »
Maybe we should also have a list of all of the people who want a Last Word
« Last Edit: September 27, 2009, 02:02:45 AM by Suikam⑨ »