Hello! After finishing
Luminous Dream, I have returned almost immediately to the Danmakufu scene with a new project:
Tree of Life.
Tree of Life is (or at least will be) another full-length seven stage Danmakufu script, starring seven new original characters in a new incident. Gensokyo is thrown into bewilderment as massive forests grow overnight all over the place, going as far as to choke out the Kappa factories. I won't say too much about the overarching plot, but it has themes of religion and industrialization.
Included here for your perusing pleasure is a preliminary playable demo:
Tree of Life v0.1Complete packageScripts only (Extract into Danmakufu ph3 folder)
Included in this demo:One stage, with original art, music, events and danmaku!
Five difficulty levels: In addition to the usual four, there's a 'beginner' level for people who have never touched a Touhou game and are turned off by the high difficulty!
One playable character: Nitori Kawashiro, with an original player script and variable shot power!
Vitality System: A new set of special mechanics revolving around absorbing life energy from your foes!
Special unlockable Last Word spellcards at the end of every boss battle on Easy or above!
Features to look forward to in the next demo:Two more stages, starring three new original characters!
Two more playable characters: Reimu and Marisa!
A proper main menu and game package!
A wide variety of graphical and system improvements!
Further features to look forward to in the final game:A full storyline and Extra Stage, starring another three new original characters!
Spell Practice!
Six endings!

Gameplay:Controls as per any standard Touhou game. To begin, select 'Stage' from the main menu, then select your difficulty. 'I' to turn on invincibility, 'U' to turn it back off, 'Ctrl' to fast forward.
As you defeat enemies, you will collect leaves that increase your Vitality (lower left corner). The higher your VIT, the more points you get from all sources, including point items and spell card captures.
During spell cards, a green Life Gauge will appear around the player, slowly filling up. The closer you are to the boss, the faster it will fill. When the spell card ends, the number of leaves you get as a reward is proportional to how full the Life Gauge was. When it's full, you will automatically Death Bomb on a hit.
Hearts and Stars give 1/5th of an extra life or spell. Since there aren't enough of either on stage 1 to give any, they are non-functional for now.
The demo provided here is far from the final shape of the game. There is a lot to change - placeholder graphics, missing effects, inconsistent sound, balance tweaks, and Vitality mechanic adjustments all need to be taken care of. In the meantime, please play it and leave comments about your impressions so far - I particularly need testing on Hard and Lunatic difficulties.
Music by Joel, art by Ayame and Pixle - same team as the last project. Expect Demo 2 to be released in a few more months - this should go much faster than Luminous Dream, since I have a full dev group from the beginning. Until then, I'll be using this thread as a dev blog as work continues. Anything from past Stage 3 will be marked as spoilers.