All right, the entire first day went something like this. (warning, image murder beginning with this post)

On my way inside, saw Archer. Say hi!

My Little Pony, yes? I haven't actually watched MLP, but I have seen quite enough of it to recognize personifications. :p

Captain Bravo, of Busou Renkin. So many tricornes at this con, dear god I will mug a cosplayer tomorrow if I see another one.

Black Rock Shooter! This is my birthday present to Trance. <3

The Queen of Hearts! I have a soft spot for her. :3c

Simon asked me beforehand if I wanted to take a photo with the core drill on or off. Spiral power!

Pirates! They just kept lugging that cannon around the convention, as far as I saw.

So many tricornes, egads. Do want that flag, though.


Iron Man! No Iron Lady, though, at least not today.

For the Minecraft fans.
At this point, I had wandered around enough that I had heard a few people yelling "Shameimaru!" at me, and at one point sat down with a guy's laptop and played Ten Desires full for the first time (failed horribly by stage 4). He and I wandered over to the atrium, and he pointed out this to me:

I realized then that a lot of people decorated their balconies for their stay, and I decided to return to this theme later.

Moemura! She was technically a vendor, but she was also the first meguca I saw so I really wanted a photo.

Steelix. If I had a cosplay like that, I too would use it every year.

Dead Master with a Jigoku Shoujo artbook. How fitting. She was very, very nice, too~

This is when I first started noticing the weird light in the atrium. I am dissatisfied with this photo. I want to get the chance to get a better one tomorrow.

Unseen is the part where this fellow is like eight feet tall. He also speaks with the help of a voice distorter, and it's very cool.
After taking this photo, I heard someone yell behind me, "where are my glasses? I can't see without my glasses!"

Velma and Daphne! More of that subpar lighting, I can't stand it.

Tried to make the most of it, since I don't like forcing my subjects to move too much or demanding too many re-dos.

Naruto cosplay and all, but god damn I love that contact lens and this lighting.

Kiki's Delivery Service! Her father was leading her around the con, it was very adorable. :>

This guy had flashing lights moving all over his cosplay. Sometimes I am really impressed by the amount of work I see people put into their outfits.

Enjoy, Hetalia fans.

Of these, I only recognize Hermione, but I love having group photos even if I don't recognize everyone in them. The more the merrier.

More MLP personification cosplay!

As far as I know, this is no character cosplay. But god it's pretty. :*

This was quite possibly the most bashful Hungary I have ever met. She was adorabubble.
Trust me. I'm the Doctor.
I held back a moment of surprise when he pointed a gun to his head. Then I remembered it was all part of the cosplay.

Aaaah why is this guy so excellent every year ლ(?﹏`ლ)

I choose to believe that this is Tuxedo Kamen.

Surprisingly little Sailor Moon this year compared to the last! Well, there is always tomorrow and Sunday to make up for that. :3c

Amu from Shugo Chara! God I loved that series.

The twins from Ouran High School Host Club.

Ahh, what would NDK be without hordes of Vocaloids.

Stocking! At some point earlier in the day, I had separated from my Touhou-loving companion, but I had ended up running into him and his friend again as they were watching the first episode of PSG. I haven't actually seen PSG, but I am slowly wanting to now.

Tron, on the other hand-- I only just recently watched the original movie, so I had a little bit of a fangasm when I saw this.

Yoko with Boota! I want those glasses damnit.

Hungary! I always did like her in that military uniform. :3c

One happy group! I believe Mars there is the mother of the young girl in blue.

Mew Ichigo! I need to pick that manga up again.

There was another photographer here taking photos, and his distinctive mark is that he has this octopus plush that he asks cosplayers to hold or carry on their shoulders. Which explains this, in part.

Have some Supergirl.

Panty and Stocking in police uniforms!

Do not forget the great Kamina-sama.

Saber Alter. The atrium has good lighting in some places, and terrible lighting in others.

Another Archer.

See, love that atrium lighting when it works well. <3
Another nice thing about the atrium: Decorated balconies! This is when I started taking photos of the really interesting ones. Like so.

Sailor Moon! Always a classic.

I loved the understatedness of this Avatar-themed decoration.

On the other hand, this Soul Eater-themed decoration was just fantastic!

Nyan Cat. Of course.

The Seychelles! Matsy, this one's for you.

I have no idea what this is from, but that doesn't stop me from going all :* at the detail.

The couple that cosplays together stays together.

More Lelouch. This was much easier than last year.

Saw Iron Man again! Half the fun of taking his photos is watching bystanders gaping in awe.

For the Persona fans.

Vampire Knight. I don't see this very often, but my friends in high school loved this.

Wedding Nia again. <3
This is when I started drifting towards the other side of the convention, because there was a panel on the Takarazuka Revue I wanted to attend. Who should I find there...

But Sakuya! I spoke too soon when I said there was no Touhou cosplay but me, apparently. And yes, I have a thing for taking photos of people taking photos. Look at that recursion!
>Quest completed:
Silver Sign "Perfect Maid"And as it turned out, I had walked right into an informal TF2 photoshoot.

Christ it's like a gangfight

Blue team.

Red team. Much more balanced representation than last time, when Red was overwhelming.

Honestly, the only one I recognize here is Death the Kid.

Saitou from RuroKen! I should show this to Edible, he'd love the Gatotsu pose.

Kaito Kid. How elegant~

She told me her friend had made the dress for her. I wonder where I can find a friend who can make a dress like that for me next year for movie!Anthy cosplay.

Unseen is the Kamina cape on his back.

And a Sailor Jupiter to finish the day off. I couldn't stay long today, but I should be able to stay longer tomorrow! For now, enjoy the day's photos. ^_^v