Author Topic: 東方蒼神縁起 -残暑- The Genius of Sappheiros Translation Thread 2 Weekend Patch  (Read 455296 times)

    The Genius of Sappheiros (東方蒼神縁起, romanized Touhou Soujinengi, meaning Blue God Omen) is a traditional turn-based RPG released at Comiket 78, heavily influenced by traditional console roleplaying games such as the SaGa Series. Despite being an RPG, it follows a traditional Touhou stage-based format, with each stage being its own dungeon.

    Lingering Summer Heat (東方蒼神縁起 残暑, romanized Touhou Soujinengi Zansho) is an expansion released at Comiket 79, 30th December, 2010. It introduces five new playable characters as well as new equipment, stages and quests. It also features new balance and skill animations.

    But you already know this.

    Greetings everyone, I've inherited Nat Tea's job on working on this project. I believe enough has changed that this warrants a new thread.  Let's get the ball rolling again!
    I hope we can all work together and complete this translation!

    I like Choja's format  so I'm stealing that. 

UTF-8 csv's. The completed ones from last time have some new stuff, sans the old story.

Expansion Dialogue Files

  • SCN4100.csv ==
  • SCN4200.csv ==
  • SCN4300.csv ==
  • SCN4400.csv ==
  • SCN5500.csv ==
  • SCN2201.csv == .
All Dialogue Files were translated by Deranged, Thank you!

Text Tables
I copied over the info from the old translated tables into their respective updated table. I'll mention what tables have some parts translated already.
  • ability.csv
  • Original:  Translated by Deranged
    • bt_eve.csv -- In game battle dialogue. Translated by Kirin and  Deranged.
    • catl.csv--Buff/Debuff/Ailment Text in Balloons. There was only 1 untranslated line.
    • chr.csv -- Character Info. Thanks to the wiki, only 1 untranslated line.
    • cond.csv -- Current Field Effect = Done by Nazerine and Deranged.
    • dfe.csv -- Enemy Elemental Resistances (cannot be viewed in-game) ==  Done by Kyre!
    • edu.csv -- Enemy Status Resistances (cannot be viewed in-game)
    • E-map.csv-- Has 6 names to be translated.
    • item.csv -- Items + Skills == Finished by Deranged
    • Original:
    • let.csv -- Instruction, Icons, and Option Text ==Done by Krye!
    • line.csv -- Formations == Nothing new was added so Finished by Nazerine!
    • loser.csv -- Game Over Hints ==
    • loser2.csv -- Game Over Hints 2 == Partial file by Deranged:
    • map.csv -- Map + Room Names. Done by Kyre!
    • monster.csv -- Monster Names + Aya Info == Monster names done by Kyre. Descriptions done by Deranged
    • msg_help.csv -- Help Books. Finished by Kyre
    • music.csv -- Music Names ==  Finished. When I added them the music exploded though, oh well.
    • rfe.csv -- Extra Passives (uses ids from Monster.csv) ==Done by Kyre!
    • quest.csv -- New table relating to the expansion quests ==Done by Kyre!
    All files have been translated! Huzzah!


    The text of the images should be translated  before they can be edited, images are used for things like the menu and party members names.
    Just a GBZero made a nice text file of the images that have text to be translated. I ruined his cool formatting by adding in a few expansion things.
    Here is the pack of all the images :

    • Deranged
    • Nazerine
    • TranceHime
    • Syanas
    • N-Forza
    • Kirin
    • Hacking Fairy
    • mauve
    • Choja Hiragawa
    • Kyre
    • Matherikus

    We wouldn't be here if you all hadn't been so cool and awesome!
    Please all volunteers let me know what I can do for you. It's what I'm here for. 
    Your work is appreciated.

    You can move your saves over to weekend.

    Patch for version 2.09! The game window still shows up as 2.08 though.
    Back up your own game.pak, and img.pak then replace them with these ones. You might not have to run in window 95 compatibility mode. The game must be version 2.09.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2012, 08:15:42 PM by TheNewGuy »

Now that I have a nice shiny opening post, let's get down to some business.

Firstly: 退魔の力
The wiki calls this exorcism power, while the translations I got for the items calls this Antimagic.  I'm unsure of the exact game play effects it has, but the all damage reducing item states that it doesn't reduce Antimagic damage. So I assume it's defense piercing power. I think Antimagic gets the point across more, but maybe there is a better translation, ideas?

Also 魔. Magic or Mystic? The majority of the files have it as Magic, but it may be confused with magic in general. Items typically have all their elements listed though, so it might not be a huge deal. It's just something we should nail down.

Next, 行動制限 is best as impair (covers Blind, Silence and Confusion) and 行動不能 as disable (Paralyze, Petrify and Sleep). There were some various inconsistencies with the naming of these status groups I had to fix, may of missed some as well.   

Edit:I can get all the English we have back in, but since the skills aren't translated they become gibberish. So the game isn't really playable as the wiki can't be used to reference the skills anymore. No patch for now then.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2011, 09:52:29 PM by TheNewGuy »

神霊結界 (wiki: Divine Barrier) reduce all incoming damage, 退魔の力 (wiki: Exorcism) negates Divine Barrier.
Ex: Lithos takes 1000 damage, but with 50% Divine Barrier those damage reduced to 500. But if the incoming attack got 25% Exorcism then it'll be 750 damage.
魔 = Mystic, but I think it actually refers to something like Non-elemental Magic.

The game is pretty much playable without understand anything for me, but I got bored as I can't get the storyline. :(
« Last Edit: July 30, 2011, 08:01:42 AM by [E]c »


  • 不聖女
  • *
  • 2017年~ 茨心R (希望)
    • himegimi
TranceHime here.

行動制限 would be better as Restriction (or Restrictive Status), since the literal translation is "Movement limited"

The Touhou Labyrinth English patch refers to 魔 as MYS/Mystic, so you might as well leave it like that for consistency's sake, even though the two games are independent of one another, it'd be less confusing.

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale


  • Moon Tiara Magic
魔 = Mystic, but I think it actually refers to something like Non-elemental Magic.
No, Mystic is definitely an element, and monsters can be weak/resistant to it and there is a difference between mystic and non-elemental spells. It's just one of the less commonly relevant ones.

It's better to have it as Mystic because otherwise it might just be a little confusing, anyway; "This monster is resistant to magic blahblah" "Do you mean Magic element or magic in general? :C" or the magic nullification stat thing or etcetc. Since it's an element, it needs to be clearly defined apart from just magic in general, just as fire/ice/etc are. Also, what Trance said. yeah, mystic.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2011, 02:27:29 PM by K-Serela »
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

Made 魔 = Mystic. It's everywhere though so some may of slipped through.

行動制限  is now [Restrict] and 退魔の力 is exorcism.

I used the wiki to add in all the characters skills and POW abilities. It's not complete, but it's closer. I'll work on a testing patch now that these are in.
With these the game will be rather playable pre-expansion, sans all the image editing still.

..A quick test shows that any visible Japanese in the POW tables causes a game crash. So Reimu, Youmu, spears, axes, staves and more cause the game to crash. There isn't much left in abilities to translate so it'd be great if someone could finish it off!

Of interest are the help books. Seeing pictures of them in game will help me place the newlines so that everything can be read.

Update! AGAIN Got some feedback on some issues, so I've fixed them. Added in the stuff Deranged translated too, so update.

« Last Edit: August 04, 2011, 03:29:56 AM by TheNewGuy »

I'd like to help with the translation, but I've not worked on a game translation project before so I'm not totally sure how to go about it. Which files should I work on? And should I create new fields with the english or just overwrite the currently existing stuff? Lemme know how to do this and I'll start doing some stuff.


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Yay, thanks for the project hijack, and to everyone involved including Nat.

I'm still looking forward to this >=).
It's been a long time and I'm honestly rather confused which build we are supposed to be testing at this point, so if there IS a build you'd like tested at all please specify which, because I sure as heck don't know, and I'm pretty sure others do not either.

edit: or is that game.pak it? I seem to recall we were testing a post-expansion release last, but you say that's pre expansion.

I'd like to help with the translation, but I've not worked on a game translation project before so I'm not totally sure how to go about it. Which files should I work on? And should I create new fields with the english or just overwrite the currently existing stuff? Lemme know how to do this and I'll start doing some stuff.

All you need to do is overwrite any Japanese with the respective English translation. If your confident enough feel free to check over ability.csv. Just download the translated version and the original, and use winmerge to compare and see how accurate the translation is. Map.cvs, and msg_help.cvs require only a bit more to translate. quest.cvs is slightly larger, and monster.cvs is the largest file in need of translation.

Feel free to pick whatever you are confident on working with.

Yay, thanks for the project hijack, and to everyone involved including Nat.

I'm still looking forward to this >=).
It's been a long time and I'm honestly rather confused which build we are supposed to be testing at this point, so if there IS a build you'd like tested at all please specify which, because I sure as heck don't know, and I'm pretty sure others do not either.

edit: or is that game.pak it? I seem to recall we were testing a post-expansion release last, but you say that's pre expansion.

The build of the game is 2.06, obviously expansion. I say to stay pre expansion STORY WISE, because we don't have many translations for the expansion content yet. I just don't want people running into garbled stuff from the incomplete item.cvs and crashing their game.  Just download game.pak and replace your own. (make sure to make a backup)

Started with something easy to get my feet wet, here's a completed map.csv. I tried to keep consistency with previous formatting as much as possible. I went with a possibly too-literal translation of a couple of the original bosses since I've not actually played the expansion so I have no idea what they're like, may want to have someone more familiar with it change them to something less dumb sounding.

Edit: Started a mediafire in anticipation of needing to upload multiple files. Finished the whole one line left in msg_help.csv
« Last Edit: August 02, 2011, 11:48:14 PM by Kyre »

Thanks Kyre! They look good.  It would be great if I could get a quick translation of these three lines so I can add two SCN files to the current patch.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2011, 01:02:00 AM by TheNewGuy »


  • 不聖女
  • *
  • 2017年~ 茨心R (希望)
    • himegimi
Show of hands, who here's actually finished the expansion?

I'll do some proof-reading if I have time, but I can't promise anything - uni has been kicking my ass lately.

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale

Thanks Kyre! They look good.  It would be great if I could get a quick translation of these three lines so I can add two SCN files to the current patch.

I'll be your opponent again, Mokou
It seems like you're working hard to resolve the incident
Please work hard to resolve the incident, master

I may know Japanese but I'm a shit writer so any dialogue I translate is going to come out sounding flat and lifeless. May want to have someone with some writing chops alter them to sound less bad.

Working on quest.csv now, about halfway done.

I updated the patch again to add in map, help_msg and various SCN files. This means that recruiting Mokou, Byakuren, the fight with Meiling, synthesis and obtaining formations should be in english.

How do you want to handle honorifics and such? -san, neesama, ojousama etc. Do you want me to go the anime fansub route and leave them in assuming anyone playing the game is going to be familiar with them, or strip them out and try to put in something vaguely similar?

How do you want to handle honorifics and such? -san, neesama, ojousama etc. Do you want me to go the anime fansub route and leave them in assuming anyone playing the game is going to be familiar with them, or strip them out and try to put in something vaguely similar?

Strip them out. -san has been replaced with Mr. /Ms.  Sakuya calls Remi 'Milady'. Youmu uses Lady Yuyuko etc.


  • 不聖女
  • *
  • 2017年~ 茨心R (希望)
    • himegimi
I'll be your opponent again, Mokou
It seems like you're working hard to resolve the incident
Please work hard to resolve the incident, master

"I'll face you once more, Mokou!"
"It seems like you're" --> "Looks like"
"work hard to resolve" --> "try your best in resolving"

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale

Well if you are still looking for image editor you can count on me.
If someone could sent me what exactly is there to add (i mean translate jp thing in images) i thing i can do it all in 3-4 days.

"I'll face you once more, Mokou!"
"It seems like you're" --> "Looks like"
"work hard to resolve" --> "try your best in resolving"

Oh this is good.

Well if you are still looking for image editor you can count on me.
If someone could sent me what exactly is there to add (i mean translate jp thing in images) i thing i can do it all in 3-4 days.

I-I think I love you.  Give me a bit I should be able to provide some translations for what I know. (The menu's, character names,and  simple stuff like the land meter for example)

Not everything, but a good amount.

It's using open office cal. I tried to set the columns in a way to match the image, sometimes adding in things that are in English already  just for positional reference.
A few notes: Try to Match the positioning of the original japanese text as much as possible so we don't get overlaps or clipped text. You may have to do some funky formatting or small text on two lines or something to fix things, this is mostly for the menus and the win_cmd series. As for the elements, fire, water, etc. Don't feel pressured to do them in the images yet, but maybe trying a single colored letter to represent the element will work?

Let me know if you have any difficulties, thanks for your assistance! 
« Last Edit: August 03, 2011, 06:23:47 AM by TheNewGuy »

wow this win_cmd sure can be a bitch to clean

but its kind of fun to do.

I think I see a square in there (not like it's that notable)...still, you did a very good job there.  :D

Ye saw it too and fixed it already.(still it was strange cause on close up there wasn't any different colour line :P)

Ow and btw for elements i could pick them from pokemon or magic tcg. They would blend quite well i think
« Last Edit: August 03, 2011, 03:04:01 PM by Matherikus »


  • I get it
    • anifanatikku
one big question, what files do I need to download into the game and where to put them in order to play the game in English?
Gensokyo Everyday's story My Touhou fangame


  • *
    • Wisdom is Not a Dump Stat
Enemy skill names don't appear a lot during battle.  In particular I noticed this on Komachi's OHTPK Money From Yesterday, as well as a few others, though Shinigami's Scythe and Brand did.

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Enemy skill names don't appear a lot during battle.  In particular I noticed this on Komachi's OHTPK Money From Yesterday, as well as a few others, though Shinigami's Scythe and Brand did.
I'm assuming the file was/is still in the state where only Satori-learnable skills were translated. As far as I've heard the rest weren't done.
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

one big question, what files do I need to download into the game and where to put them in order to play the game in English?
Download the game.pak in one of my later posts. Replace your game.pak with it. I suggest waiting until I update again though.

Enemy skill names don't appear a lot during battle.  In particular I noticed this on Komachi's OHTPK Money From Yesterday, as well as a few others, though Shinigami's Scythe and Brand did.

T-Serela is correct. I just got the updated item.csv thought so soon the game will be updated to have all skills in english!

Also looking great Matherikus!

Ok done about 3/4 of cleaning.
The rest is pages full of text (so its meaningless to clean them before having translations).
Some of them are sloppy but common how the fuck i could re-draw this:

I don't ever know what's behind original kanji :P
Still it will be unnoticeable when i put english.


  • Long twintail-o-holic

soon the game will be updated to have all skills in english!

That was the big one I've been wiating for >=)

Completed quest.csv. Some notes/questions:

I wasn't really sure what to do with the \n linebreaks since there is often a different amount of text between the Japanese and the translation. I kept the same number of line breaks and tried to distribute them roughly evenly, but I have no idea how that will work out. Let me know so I can do it better in the future.

For quest reward items I used the names from Deranged's completed items.csv but there were two I couldn't find either in it or the original, オリ欠片 and アダ欠片. I had no idea what they were supposed to be so I just went with a straight transliteration (Ori Shard and Ada Shard), but they should probably be changed when someone figures out what they are.

A lot of the quests are silly references. I tried to keep them intact as much as I could but I may have missed some. I took out the untranslatable squid puns from the Ika Musume one, but if you really want me to add ika and geso to the end of every sentence I will.

Anyways look it over and give me some feedback so I can know how I'm doing.


  • *
    • Wisdom is Not a Dump Stat
I'm assuming the file was/is still in the state where only Satori-learnable skills were translated. As far as I've heard the rest weren't done. know, in a way, that's really convenient.  Especially since the English wiki is mostly dead, outdated, and/or useless, and I don't have anywhere near the proficiency to grab stuff from the Japanese wiki and bring it over.

It would totally feel off, but it would be crazy awesome if you could indicate in-game whether or not a skill is learnable some other way.

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson